Device Limits. A very annoying thing when you find out that megaproject of your’s cannot be done due to DEVICE LIMITS. So as a heads up, and to crush your dreams, this is a growing list of devices with a placement limit.
Are you editing???
Tag Zone: 6 limit placement Repeater: 10 limit placement Property: 128 limit placement Laser: 100 limit placement Prop: 5000 limit placement? Questioner: 6 limit placement Starting Inventory: 64 limit placement End Game: 16 limit placement. Ball: 12 limit placement Speed Modifier: 32 Limit placement Item Spawner: 100 limit placement. Movement Meter: 10 limit placement Health Granter: 100 limit placement Knockout Manager: 10 limit placement Flag: 6 limit placement Text: 400 limit placement (used to be 200 pre april 24 update) Button: 300 limit placement Item Granter: 300 limit placement Game Overlay: 32 limit placement Popup: 200 limit placement Flag Capture Zone: 64 limit placement Zone: 64 limit placement Relay: 128 limit placement Camera View: 128 limit placement Barrier: 500 limit placement Sentry: 100 limit placement Ball Capture Zone: 16 limit placement Respawn: 16 limit placement Counter: 512 limit placement Walls: 2.5k limit placement Trigger: Infinite Placement Items on the ground: It is extremely high but there is a limit. Give or take 9.5e+16 Crafting Recipe: 200 limit placement Lifecycle: 16 limit placement Vending Machine: 800 limit placement(?) Player Coordinates: 1 limit placement Camera Point : Infinite placement ( but… Technically because of how much memory it takes (150) you can actually only place 6666… - a nerd) Crafting Table: 100 limit placement Character: 300 limit placement Inventory Item Manager: 75 limit placement
I was deleting everything in the map because it was taking up so much memory, and I found the things that made up my first guide. looks back at memories
I found this in my map
wonder how that got there
Wait but accoring to blackhole, triggers have 40 memory each, and a map has 100,000 memory, so 100,000 triggers would have 400,000 memory, which doesn’t fit…