{šŸ“° Resources} Resources for Gimkit Creative's limits

This guide will give you links to good guides to look at when you think you have limits:

The limit for the Gimkit Creative memory is: 100,000 memory.

Ways to reduce you memory to allow you to expand your limits:

This guide is to let you know that there is only one thing that holds you back when making a map and thatā€™s memory. Thatā€™s right. You can do anything in Gimkit Creative or in anything else if you really put your mind to it.
A smart thing I came up with, ā€œLimits are goals, but not goals are reachable, but if you reach all your goals youā€™ll have no limits.ā€
(If any of these guides are outdated or incorrect please let me know. Also, if you have a guide youā€™d like added Iā€™d love to hear it).


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Regarding your poll, it is often more effective to see public opinion if you make the votes hiddenā€¦

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Thank you, I fixed it.

Because gimkit is Turing complete, the only thing stopping you is memory. Simple as that.


Um, what is the purpose of this, though?

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Oops, put that in their on accident because my control c and v thing was on it.

I hate to be the person to ask this but...

Wdym when you say ā€œTuring completeā€


why is there a scroll in the title and not the other thing?

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If you donā€™t want to read the wikipedia article, it means that anything that runs on a computer can be made in gimkit.


Okay makes sense!
Edit - I read the Wikipedia article

ba bumbā„¢
my friend reading this while staring at their map that is at 20% memory because of the terrain alone: :slight_smile:

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Also someone should update the guides to have checkpoints