Why do I have a limit on my devices?

But since there are taggers, how would the taggers receive the flag when they tag someone and most importantly, what would happen to the leaderboard?

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@GimSolver ,We could make a counter to increment it once you do everything that @potato1 s guide says. Check the Flag Capture Zone section it tells u how to do it, I think

Guide link:How to bypass creative device limits!

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For question 2, you could use my flag capture point system but the checker for the capture zone increments the counter (if check passes-> increment.) I’ll work on question 1, let me log into gimkit.


How do I make it so that a player loses their inventory and drops everything on the ground when they get tagged?

1: Go to Map Options and go to the Items tab.
Set the “remove player items on death” to yes.
I don’t know exactly what it says but there should be a setting for that.

Use this but skip the spectator thing.

Ummm… I don’t feel comfortable reading a guide by a suspended guy, no offense.

Never mind, I was overcomplicating things. Connect the tag zone to a checker(player gets tagged by someone else → run check.) Have it check if you have 1 item. Connect it to an item granter (check passes → grant item) that grants -1 of that item. Connect the checker to the trigger of the flag (check passes → activate.) Make sure each flag has a different item btw. The only issue is that the flag will automatically be returned to base, if that’s a problem for you. Tell me if you want the tagger to get the flag if they tag someone with it since I figured out how to do that.

Thank you! But could you help me with my new issue.

No, I’m pretty sure it’ll actually help.
I can just copy paste it here if you don’t want to check it.

yes please…

Use this guide but use the tag zone instead of a lifecycle. The wire setting should be player gets tagged by other player I think.

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very very long length warning

For battle royale games, you wanted the knocked out player to become a spectator. You also want it so it can drop a certain item. But how?

Yep! You found the guide for this. I’ll show you how you make a knocked out player drop a certain item, and make the knocked out the player to become a spectator.

Chapters - Total - 8
1: Why is this easy, not very easy? (Difficulty Reason)
2: Resource Needs (Intro)
3: The Aimed-In (Current Target)
4: The Watch-In (Spectator Tutorial)
5: Spec-Tester (Testing Spectating)
6: Item Dropper (Knocked Out Player drops a certain item)
7: Undropped Work (Testing Knocked Out Player dropping item)
8: Finished In (Outro)

Chapter 1 - Why is this easy, Not Very Easy?(Difficulty Reason)

This isn’t really important if you already asked this, but it’s because you’ll need 5 devices. One isn’t optional, so it would be 4 or 5.

Chapter 2 - Resource Needs (Intro)

What’ll you need -

Bold (white) = Not optional

  • Knockout Manager x2
  • Team Switcher x1
  • Lifecycle x1
  • Wires x1

Chapter 3 - The Aimed-In (Current Target)
We’re aiming like the title said, like this example.

Chapter 4 - The Watch-In (Spectator Tutorial)
Now, our aim is try to do what Chapter 3 said. Let’s now get started!

Make sure you have a starting inventory for the players to have a weapon at the start of the game! If you don’t want them to do it and let them find it theirseleves, don’t put a starting inventory down.

For the spectating, you’ll need 3 devices. Press “E” On you’re keyboard.

Select “Devices”.

Search up “Lifecycle”. Place it down somewhere in your map.

Now, click on the lifecycle.
This is what we need to set up the lifecycle. We can’t just set the event “Game start”! If it’s on Game start, then when a game starts, people switch to spectator, making the game end. Configure the event into “Player Knocked Out”.
Nice! When the lifecycle event is in “Player Knocked Out”, it’ll detect something. But it doesn’t know what to do when it’s detected when it isn’t even connected to a prop or a device without channels or wires. But we’ll do that later. Click anywhere or the “X” button to go out the lifecycle modifier.

Press “E” On your keyboard.

Select “Devices”.

Search up “Team Switcher”, and put it near the lifecycle.

Click on the Team Switcher.
The team switcher doesn’t know what team to switch, so it’ll pick a random team. If you make it stay random team, then it wouldn’t pick spectator team. Set the Switch Strategy to “Specific Team”.
Now, click anywhere or press the “X” To leave the modifying screen.

Okay, so it’s time to wire up the devices! Press “Z” On your keyboard and wire the lifecycle to the team switcher.

When the player is knocked out, we want it to turn it into spectator. Select “Event occurs” and “Switch player to configured team”.

Click anywhere to stop modifying.

Chapter 5 - Spec-Tester (Testing Spectator)

Now, you’re done with the spectator tutorial, let’s test it. Am i wrong with the spectator tutorial, or not? Find out here!

Testing Spectator

Chapter 6: Item Dropper (Knocked Out Player drops a certain item)
For this, you’ll need only 1 device. Yep. Only 1 Device. Let’s not get mad at it, it’s just 1 device. Anyways, press “E” On your keyboard.

Click on “Devices”.

Now, Press “Advanced Devices”.

Click on the 3rd device, called “Knockout Manager”, and put it near team switcher or lifecycle.

Click on the knockout manager - since, well… does not know what to do. So it won’t do anything. Click on it.

Click on the “Items” Section.

You’re going to say “Bro, it’s just 1 option. How is this gonna help?” That’s not the only one we’re modifying. Make grant item turn into “Yes”.

There’s more options to configure. On the item to grant, select the item you want the grant, and the item amount on how much it wants to give you. Grant Strategy should be “Drop on Knocked Out Player”, Then, you can use drop chance if you want.

Click anywhere to stop modifying.

Chapter 7 - Undropped Work (Testing Knocked Out Player dropping item)

Now, you’re done with the knocked out player dropping a certain item! So, we done yet? Nope. let’s test it. Am i wrong with the Item tutorial, or not? Find out here!

Knocked Out Player Dropping Certain Item

Chapter 8 - Finished In (Outro)
And, you landed into the ending! And now, we reached the aim chapter 3 was showing, and finished the tutorial! If you want more tutorials, i think i’ll make more. Please heart if you liked, or you think it was important. Thanks for reading the tutorial!

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It might work?

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It’s actually very very simple but Lxmas added a lot of pictures and explanations so it seems really long.


It’s easier than you think.
Just ignore the length and skip the Spectator part.
It’s actually a really good guide ignoring that lxmas got suspended.

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Wait, I see a small issue. It grants one item but how can you tell what a player has in the inventory? (at least with that guide.)

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Could you paraphrase please (my parents say I have to sleep in 4 hrs).

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Click on the knockout manager - since, well… does not know what to do. So it won’t do anything. Click on it.

Click on the “Items” Section.

You’re going to say “Bro, it’s just 1 option. How is this gonna help?” That’s not the only one we’re modifying. Make grant item turn into “Yes”.

There’s more options to configure. On the item to grant, select the item you want the grant, and the item amount on how much it wants to give you. Grant Strategy should be “Drop on Knocked Out Player”, Then, you can use drop chance if you want.

Just this part, but look at the post I made above.

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So they drop 3 no matter whaT?

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