Why am I not taking damage?

well basically or so I think

If you want them to get damaged a bunch of times the first time they walk through then try to stack lasers.

correct only the first time
It does not matter if the lasers flash

I would still take no damage

you should just make the lasers do more damage

Well then, you have your solution! There’s nothing we could do about this problem (I think). If want, you could make the lasers appear and disappear so you would take damage even if you don’t move. If you want to try that, use this.

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one and off laser sadly don’t help

Yes you would. Every time the laser reappears, you would take damage.

Oh ok


yes they would. you would take damage each time.

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That’s literally what I said.

Really the only solution if you want to player to get damaged a lot is to either just put more damage or to try stacking lasers on each other.

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if you don’t move at all the game can’t tell you are touching a laser and will not register damage

how many lasers do you have?

Wait so I haven’t tested the solution but does it work or not?

Sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.

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um, I think it does. I’ve used it before. lemme test.

you should just add more lasers if you just have like two or three

this problem has been addressed in a different topic

I have
(what’s 12 x 11)