Why am I not taking damage?

Really the only solution if you want to player to get damaged a lot is to either just put more damage or to try stacking lasers on each other.

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if you don’t move at all the game can’t tell you are touching a laser and will not register damage

how many lasers do you have?

Wait so I haven’t tested the solution but does it work or not?

Sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.

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um, I think it does. I’ve used it before. lemme test.

you should just add more lasers if you just have like two or three

this problem has been addressed in a different topic

I have
(what’s 12 x 11)

132 lasers ok that’s a lot

So yeah, the only solution is to either stack lasers on top of each other or to make the lasers do more damage. (Because that is the point right?)

Yep, @Foxy is right. If they don’t detect movement, you won’t get hurt twice.

Um, I think gradually. Not instantly.

The pikachu’s issue is poison fog he could just use @LxmasHasCandy guide the item dropper

I tested the issue. It won’t work, like @Foxy said.
As your solution didn’t work, I suggest to unmark it as others that see it might not look because they see it’s already been solved.

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There really isn’t a reliable solution to this problem

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so this really isn’t a glitch…

wait a minute the lasers now deal damage once they appear YAY
ok but who do I mark solution
and I’m sorry for the inconvenience

Whichever post helped the most.

Uhhh none fixed my problem