What to add to your Dungeon Crawler map

If you don’t know how to make a Dungeon crawler map then read This ==The Ultimate Dungeon Crawler Guide== (Difficulty: red_square)


Fishing should be in all your RPG map to make it more fun read this guide How to make a simple fishing system AND Loot Tables [SIMPLIFIED, UPDATED, AND WITH PICTURES] 4/10

Good Prop Design

You want to put prop in a creative way. Read this guide because it good for inspiration. Fun designs with Props

Good Boss

This is the most Important part because you need a good finishing for your Dungeon Crawler map you want Bosses that are fun and creative around your map. You should have more then one boss in your map . Read this How to make a Boss and their special attacks (4/10 or yellow_square)

Good Themes

Having a Good Theme is super important because you want a theme that look good that make you go wow. These are some theme ideas Cool themes ideas for your maps (reply with more themes)

Secret Path

Secret path are path that can be easier or harder. The easy secret path is normally a secret that let you skip parts of the map.The hard secret path is normally a path that is harder but give you good reward for beating it. When you make a hard secret path i recommend making more Fun and new creative mechanic


Making a merchant would make your level beater. In your map you should have special stuff you get around the map so that you can use for the merchant. use this if you understand How to Create a Merchant System! Difficulty 7/10 or [ orange_square ] If you don’t understand just make a shop using vending machine


Im not done but im working on it

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@MOON Can I add the wip tag if you are unfinished?

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yes what category do you think it should be

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Blizzy do you recommend anything to add

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First of all, try uppercasing the letters you should’ve uppercased
Try adding stuff like good themes for the Dungeon Crawler…
I don’t what else

Just saying @MOON I gave you your first like…


Nice guide! You have some good points in this guide, along with lots of information.


This is interesting! Good job!

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