What are any new systems made in the last 2 months

So, as the Discord users know, I took a break from gimkit (still sorta am lol). I’m just wondering what new systems have been made. Bear yesterday came up to me and asked for advice on concat. I thought he was talking about the Microsoft Excel function :skull:. So yeah, I need updates xd.



  • Crafting
  • Bug fixes
  • QM’s (quantum mechanics)
  • Discovery/Discovery updates
  • New styles (especially text)
  • New props/terrain

here are some techinical gimkit topics that may interest you
Copying Counters
Gimkit’s Quantum Mechanics: Help Needed


and here is a list of some since december

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All Im going to say is there was a lot XD

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grammar police moment

It’s I’m


My key for that doesnt work correctly

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Or you could put “I am”

Sorry for the grammar police moment


Stop being off topic ¨I am¨ not wanting to do that ¨I am¨ Proper

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What was the most technical thing happening when you left?

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@Cellofive Gimkitsuggestor literally has this in his profile (he right?): I am not the kind that likes being corrected so be careful around that topic


That seems awfully unnecessary. Unless you truly believe that someone has made a genuine mistake and correcting it will help them or they explicitly state that they need help with grammar, it can be annoying to some people who are just typing a casual post here. Many people have different typing styles and that could mean removing certain punctuation to make the process easier/quicker, but back on topic, I don’t use Microsoft Excel; I assume that it’s similar to the Gimkit Creative version since concatenation doesn’t really have many definitions, but in Gimkit Creative, to concatenate strings means to join multiple strings together. This is often done with channels that reuse similar text like C1, C2, C3, etc… could be concatenated as Create text with item: "C" with: Get Property: "Number" to save blocks. As for new systems, I recommend checking concept or the All tags page for systems regarding a specific game idea (e. g. battle-royale has many systems that are part of battle royale games). You might find some systems here and there in Community Made Guides, but most of it is filled with art posts which isn’t really in my alley to judge since I’m not a Gimkit artist, but they’re probably not what you’re looking for.


dude, it’s not that big of a deal.

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If you mean grammar correcting, I didn’t write a whole paragraph on “why you shouldn’t correct grammar,” and sure, it may not be as a big deal as other topics, but some people clearly don’t like it so it’s better to raise it to attention now rather than later.


Do you mean Hikiko’s post or the correcting grammar post?

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both. anyway, back on-topic.

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Well, I’d say that Hikiko’s post was fine because barely any of it was… actually being annoyed about the grammar correction, but that would be willfully and continuously dragging a topic off-topic.

SO, I’m gonna say, one of the new systems made was probably typewriter text.


Definitely check out the crafting table and recipe if you haven’t already.

i sound like a :robot:

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seems like theres been a miscommunication. I know about almost everything that has been mentioned, and I have always kept up with updates. I mean new community-created systems

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Like I said:

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