Trying to make a device that sends two player in an arena at a time with a timer

I need help with this as I need to make it so the player that wins the fight leaves the arena

wait so when someone is knocked out, the other person leaves?

Create a teleporter for the two. Afterwards, add a timer.
Here is a guide on making a timer:

Once you’re done with that you can create block code to randomize who gets chosen after the timer is complete. Then once it randomizes who goes in it broadcasts on a channel for that specific player. I think this should work. I’ll add more details later if you don’t understand.


Relay x2 (random player) > Teleporter
(You need something to trigger the relay first)

Then, connect a lifecycle (player knocked out) to a team switcher (spectator)


You might can use teleaporters and a lifeline for when someone knocks them out they get teleported. I’ll try it and make a post if i find a way.


the map is more than the arena so I dont need them to switch to spectator I just want them to leave that part of the map

player knocked out > teleport player here (out of the arena)


is there a way to use a counter and teleporter instead of a button and item granter?

Yeah, when counter reaches certain number, teleporter activates and it will be were the player is standing.


thank you this will help

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Don’t forget to mark a solution!

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@lycanthrope66 I had a map just like that! It was my very first one, and I eventually deleted it after it being griefed though. I had a system for it where you activate a buttom to go back to lobby, and use portals to go to the arena and barriers to seperate them until they start


so first place the life cycle then relay link them together and make a random player teleport to a control room where a random player will be and that player will be able to start the fight with a button that is linked to a relay with 2 specific teams on the settings and link the relay to 2 teleporters (i cant test or show this cuz i ran out of space on my testing map) i might not have explained it well but i tried


is there a way to randomize what weapon the player has??

If you are using few gadgets:

(The device is a trigger btw, the author got confused)

If you are using many gadgets:

(The Channels don’t have to be exact)


where is input and output??


Yep, that’s right.

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I dont need to do anything with input or output?

What do you mean by that?
I think your randomizer looks good already.

okay! thank you! fingers crossed that this works lol!
(I have a history of devices that dont work)