Trying to make a device that sends two player in an arena at a time with a timer

is this the right selection for the wire to connect the randomizer to the vending machine I have set up??

No, it’s not “activate trigger”, it’s “trigger.”

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would this bit work for the guards if its wired to the vending machine to activate them if they dont have enough of an item to pay?

Is there a channel in the vending machine “when attempt to purchase fails, transmit on?”
If there is, you could do that.
But if there’s not, you’ll have to use wires.
Also, the channel should activate the sentry when the purchase fails, not deactivate.

I am using wires but also that is deactivate sentry
(im trying to deactivate it with the channel but activate it with wires)

would these wires work for the counter??

wait a minute! I dont need one of these counters!

thats better! would this work??

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like this??

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idk what you mean im sorry

wait, wait. i know what your talking about, and I have forgone the timer I only want two people in the waiting room with no weapon fire but thats easy to do

is there a way to make a device system to make the players view bigger?

You can make the player’s view smaller but if it’s a big issue, try making your map smaller.

Frickity frackity frick I waas hoping that was a thing

something is wrong with the output in the randomizer It’s not working at all.

Wait there’s a randomizer now?

Not yet, @lycanthrope66 probably just used a guide on how to make one.

I need this to work but it doesnt :frowning:

try using this but without the life cycle How to Get a Random Weapon Upon Knockout! Difficulty 🟩 or 2/10!