The Ultimate Guide to Making Good Guides

Hi there.

I’ve been on the forum since the beginning (ish), and throughout it all, I’ve seen the evolution of guides. I’ve seen the good, the bad, the gibberish, and the overcomplicated. And since I still see quite a few poor quality guides around today, I figured I’d make this post to help people understand what they’re missing. So here it is, in 5 semi-short tips.

Number 1: Tell People What They’re Doing

By FAR the biggest problem I see is that people don’t actually look at guides for understanding. They look at them—and the guides are complicit in this too—for an exact step by step method to make one specific mechanism. Now, I have no problem with this, but that can’t be the only part of the guide. It makes it a thousand times harder to understand what’s going on, what the mechanism is, and how to recreate it in your own way. So I strongly suggest adding some sort of explanation at the beginning, detailing what you’re doing in simple terms.
Examples: Bedwars, Prop Stacking (ish),

Number 2: Never Be Satisfied

Now, this one isn’t as much of a problem, but it’s something that should certainly be considered. A lot of guides will have an incredibly inefficient method of doing something (take the neon keyboard guide for example) and that will continue to be taught for months. People will learn an inefficient method and be stumped on how to improve it. As the creator of the guide and the consumer of it, never be satisfied! Never assume something is the most optimal method until it’s clearly proven.

Number 3: Make It Interesting

Now, I’ll admit that there’s a bit of hypocrisy in this one, but hear me out. People aren’t gonna read a guide that’s all text, and they won’t understand one that’s all images. They need something to grab their attention and keep it there. I know I sound like your 3rd-8th grade English teacher, but it’s taught for a reason. The best guides are ones that people actually care about. Throw in some headers, add some pictures, yada yada. Make it fun.
Examples: Signs, Repeaters, Wires

Number 4: Fact (and Spell) Check

If I click onto a guide and I immediately see something blatantly incorrect, I’m clicking off. If it’s unreadable, I’m clicking off. A lot of people on the forums have this problem, where they can’t finish a sentence, or they Capitalize Every Word and it’s incredibly irritating. I know I’m being a pedant here, but like, come on. You know how to use a period my man. I know a lot of the community is pretty young, but still. Of course, if you have one or two spelling mistakes, or you aren’t a native English speaker, whatever. That’s totally fine. But give it a solid effort, at least.

Number 5: Try Something New

If I’m being honest, most guides I see on this site are the same. “How 2 maek house” or “The ULTIMATE GUIDE on how to make a TREE” or something. If you wanna make one of those, go ahead. But if you have an idea for something new, something cool, please try it. There are a bunch of people (myself including) lurking, waiting for a single interesting technical post. If one of those appeared, I’d be all over it. And they do, every once in a while. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make one yourself. You’ll learn so much more if you just try.
Examples: Wires, Bedwars

I know it was a lot of text, but thanks for sticking through this with me. And if you didn’t and you just scrolled to the bottom, PLEASE for all our sakes read through them. You lose 2 minutes and the community gains something genuinely useful.

shdwy out.


Could you possibly add more examples of a specific guide or guides that follow one of the each criteria for the less literate people here? For example, for #6, I would say How To Make A Wet Floor, Gim Crossing, And Two Other Signs! ft. Tim and Joe is a good match- the Tim stuff makes it quite engaging.


In This economy?!


this is a very nice guide
you should add pictures to prevent people from saying “add pictures!!!” and also you misspelled “hypocrisy”


your degree in pedantics tells you so


how is Shdwy gonna add pictures to this

by inserting them


im mocking the people who say that

Forums moment rela
“Nice guide!”
“Add pictures!”
“Erm, grammar police!”


Also, guys, if you can think of examples of any of these, please send them in. They’re so rare I can’t find any, even in my own guides :skull:


u dont normally yap this much
u good man
ur ruining my like to post ratio

Oh cool I was linked here! Nice guide!

Tim guides are exclusive to the owner. All rights reserved. Some restrictions may apply. Batteries not included. Shipping and handling applied. No refunds.


Erm,… what??

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Bump thie tug for making good guides!
more people need this
including me

Can I refund my Bump?

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That answer your question?


Maybe add to the list Binaural beat sounds that stop procrastination

and Bump

Shdwy half the guide links don’t work anymore :sob:

Edit: @Shdwy You can ask bh to turn it into a wiki.

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its past the edit limit my man idk what you want me to do

The keyboard post is just gone; someone must have unlisted it.
As for the Bedwars guide, idek what happened to it. I had it published but now it doesn’t appear in my topics.


A lot of posts were deleted recently for some reason, including the keyboard guide, ___Land, and some others.

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There have been a bunch of things in help about guides getting taken down also great guide Shdwy

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