The Ultimate Guide to Hollow Knight: Part 1 (Difficulty: 7/10 šŸŸ§)

Sort of. The coding does not, however since hollow knight is a platformer game, the mapbuilding does


Are you going to to do the dash abilitie or mantis claws

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A dash ability could be done by increasing the speed of the player to 4 for half a second.

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that wouldnā€™t work or feel natural. But nice idea anyways

Yes it wouldnā€™t work if the player wasnā€™t moving but if the player is moving it would work.

Yes, I am taking a break from hollow knight because I need a break

This is what Iā€™m doing. It is the best I could get without a coordinate system, which I donā€™t have enough zones for.

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Bump bump bump bump


Wow! Thanks. Iā€™m pretty sure this is the first time a guide Iā€™ve made has been bumped!

How?!?!?!??!? It's been 15 minutes???



Hey guys! I figured it was appropriate to say goodbye on the first guide that put me on the Forums map! Iā€™ll still work on Hollow Knight during the summer and maybe put one guide, but I will mostly offline. :slight_smile: Thanks for the good times guys!

You might see one more guide before the end of the school year!



Iā€™ll miss you!
I look forward to seeing Hollow Knight (with mah thumbnail lmao) on Community Picks!


See ya harharharhar83! have a great summer

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Okay see you later
I think you should work on the game more than the guide maybe


Nooooooooooooooo! :frowning_face:
At least youā€™ll be on next school year. maybe :confused:
And Thank YOU for all the good times and inviting me to do the collab! :partying_face:
Have a GREAT Summer Break!!!


Thanks! Yes, Iā€™ll try to be on as much as possible. If you could be on the Alt Discovery that would be great! I probably wonā€™t be on very much the first month, Iā€™m going to Jamacia and having a lot of family visiting. I will definitely see you next year! You have a great summer as well.

I work on a game, and make a guide about it while I do it.

Next year I hope it will release!

o7 guys see ya later!


I made this guide and post a WHILE ago, so itā€™s a bit outdated. if you ever get to the topic of items you can use these:

This is a post I made a while ago, it may help with item ideas:

edit: why did I put the second guide here, you donā€™t need item ideas :rofl:


Iā€™m surprised I even got to the bottom

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Have you made the map that the player uses yet? (and could you show me?)

Iā€™m also planning on making a metroidvania in the future and players getting lost is a worry of mine.

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I can try in about 1 hour and 30 min


Alright, let me know when you finish it :smiley:

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