The most overlooked setting

Nice, this has probably useful in many situations


thx, i was trying to get the point across, and i hope it does

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Not being rude, but can’t you change the counter’s starting value? I may be wrong…


Also, do you remember the guide about building a tower with multiple floors, but on top of each other? I can’t seem to find it.

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Yeah, you can. Let me see if I can find that guide for you.

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Is it this one?


Yes, I don’t know why I can’t find guides! I think my search is broken…

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Try looking under the tab community made guides if you can’t them?

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I do, but then it takes a long time when scrolling.

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You can also change the arrow to look for the oldest guides first.

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Yeah, I found that out a few days ago. Thanks!

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never heard or saw it

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also, what does that have to do with my post?

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Because there was no where else to ask…


ok then

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My take on this is that I prefer to not change it, as it adds additional things that can make subtle bugs. But it’s an interesting feature.


Just a thought: does this setting actually just add one to the property on frame one, or just changes the starting value entirely?

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i think that it doesn’t actually change it, it just marks it as changed

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it registers a change and will trigger any wires when connected to the property when the game starts. In this way, it can also be used as a lifecycle device.


Yup. Like I said, just put much better. Can’t believe I forgot that this guide existied.

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