The Complete Relay-Relay Interaction List (wip) 🟥

Maybe you could group them. Similar results could be put together and given some sort of domain name. Just a thought.


That’s a cool idea!


@getrithekd said that the reverse of a combo is the combo, and just by looking at the data, it’s probably true. Eg: (1-2 and 2-1 give the same effect).

No. I said that the combos that were the same were counted twice when we counted them. Like 1-1 and 2-2 are the same.

I was an idiot when I said that.

So many relays that randomly bump people!

This has been completly reformatted to look nicer!

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Why is there a table tag?

It used to be a table, remember?

Yeah, but I think that that tag is unnecessary. It doesn’t really contribute anything to the characteristics of the guide.

Later today I will copy & paste my column three sections.

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Did you test it with the procedure listed in the guide?

I think we should convert this list to at most 6/10 difficulty.

Its a list.

It shouldn’t have a difficulty. The red is there to look good with the pink of devices.

Oh. It looks like a difficulty. I think we should change it to something else. I don’t know what else, but we should change it.

The one on the old table? Yes.

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These are mind-bending and really cool.

Does this count as quantum mechanics? I feel like it kinda does

IDK, its just a little pastime that I do when I’m not helping out.

Really? Wow. Everything granted one gimberry?

It doesn’t. Its just a list of the results that happen when you have a relay trigger a relay.