The Complete Relay-Relay Interaction List (wip) šŸŸ„

Where did you get that?

Um reading the title this says guide, why is it not?

The original info for the 3-x relays all had a result of one gimfish.

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Itā€™s not a guide about anything, itā€™s merely a list of observations about device interactions.

Some one change the title, thats what I was talking about.

But doublechaining observations are just a list of results that happen when you have wires and channels recursing at the same time. How is this different?

The idea was about 2 months older.

That doesnā€™t make senseā€¦ Were all players on teams of 1? If so, then 3-1 makes senseā€¦

I donā€™t understand this. Can you explain it for me?

Thatā€™s a typo. Let me fix it.

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Wow, this is looking pretty good! Nice job so far!

Did no one copy and past section 3 from the old one? Could someone please do so?

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I can. Give me a second.

Youā€™re back!

is this just a big wip that literally no one has updated in the pastā€¦ lemme checkā€¦ almost 3 months?

There was an original that had a lot of progress, 1, part of 2, and I did all of 3. But no one has transferred the data or come up with new data.


Yeah, I keep forgetting to work on this.

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@ClicClac, I put in all of the past 3- relay interactions, and added the four player format occurrences. I can finish all of them tomorrow if you would like.


I bumped into this guide while looking at clay-institute. I finished the 2-x list, and noticed that the 2-x is essentially the 1-x list but minus one due to the triggering player not being included.