The Complete Relay-Relay Interaction List (wip) 🟥

Same and it was 4 days old like quite badge farming. its an old post that does not need to be flagged.



Again, does anyone know what a type 7 relay does?

Sorry, I don’t know.

The second row needs more data/a larger sample size, so take the info there as you would take the info back in May.

Single player on each team could be used for a team counter to like see if all the teams have people. Like if you had a four team game it might use single player on each team to make sure all teams have people and you don’t have like three or two or one gims.

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Maybe you should have 7 separate guides for each relay option and compile it in this? It would help readability.


I’ll probably do that. I was trying to avoid post spamming, but the forums will make this table way too long and skinny otherwise.


reusable bump

more bumpiness

Very bumpy

More bumps

@ClicClac, I am running some tests, but before I begin, I must ask: who is supposed to trigger the trigger.

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game host?
i think that would be it

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Alrighty, I will do just so.

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I did the entire 3- column.

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THANK YOU SO MUCH! Did you use the trigger-relay-relay-item granter (gimfish) setup, making sure to track who joined the game when?

Don’t think it matters that much.

Pro tip: two teams of two may take longer to set up, but you get more data and more accurate data per instance.

I did do the trigger relay relay item granter setup. Maybe at around 5:30 or 6:00 tonight I can do the two people on two teams if you would like.


Is it okay if I split this up into 3-7 different guides? The table is getting very tall already.

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Yes. Please do. It’s atrocious on mobile.