Superhero help & ideas and how to make them 🌧

thats about it i need ideas on making a superhero game and the mechanics behind how to make them
i want to make it clear that if yu post a superhero you need to post your going to have to post how to make the super hero with how to make their powers before posting

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would it be top-down or platformer?

Im wondering so I can help with ideas for the certain type of map

read the above post

…ok I will help, just stop yelling

not yeeling it is so peple know

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I didn’t see it the first time I read the post, sorry

this could help.

They are not you should read directions before doing something dum.

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In the future, please edit your post instead of creating a new one.


any helpers?

If a top-down is what I think it is, I hope… Do you need help with creating a superhero?

a superheoro based game with the superheros their powers and how to make them

Can you elaborate please…? My poor mortal brain needs more info! :nerd_face:

I forgot my name was a immortal greek goddess in mythology- lol

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Super Speed, Teleportation, Strength, just reply If you want me to explain any of these in further detail

i also need the super herso them self and how to make them and their powers

THEHACKERIAN way into making Special Abilities

what super power out of the three I listed do you want your super hero have

for sake i also need the super heros

i want multiple super heros with diffrent powers like god like and what not and Ineed the ways to make them have their powers like god and how to make the heroes move!!!