How to make rush e in gkc

like i want a piano with the notes to rush e also I still need ideas on this topic Superhero help & ideas and how to make them 🌧


please, dont make new tags!

i need help on how to make rush e in gkc like a piano playing rush e also the link above is still looking for help

you cant add sounds to gimkit

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@CakeWalk i never made this tag it just popped up on tags ok idk how to even make them

how do i dd sounds

i dont think that is possible

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You cant add sounds in gimkit yet.

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E is a joke tag please don’t use it

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sorry my bad i thought it waas for things like rush e

thanks @slim for removinf the tag

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Only TL3+ can create tags

Screenshot 2024-08-28 12.38.29 PM

he TL2

i know what i am

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Here’s a guide about tags List of tags allowed for use in the GKC Forums

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wait a min @diamonds I thought you wanted help with or wanted ideas to make your rush e game? or did you decide to not do it since you cannot add sounds?

also uh please don’t make a new topic to encourage more people to go to your topic one topic is enough, It might become necroposting or something like that.

until the sound device is created, there is no rush e in gkc.

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sorry guys i do want help still

look at post #17