Stationary Projectiles

this conversation has got me thinking, if you set a sentry on a team, could you trigger events on behalf of them?

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MAYBE if you put a destructable prop in front of them, or put them on top of a trigger?

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Maybe stationary projectiles were just something with horrible ping?

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This gave me an idea, a haunted mansion thing. It’s spooky when you hit yourself, right?

You cannot. I already tried using relays connected a sentry. However, I don’t know if doing so will affect sentries on the same team…

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has anyone tried making a on the outside sentry shoot into a zone with gadget fire turned off?
I think it could either stop the bullet despawn the bullet or nothing

oh wait nvm it wont work cause i think the zones gadget fire stopis the gadget from fireing not the projectile.

I have another idea on doing it.

This, when the prop is destroyed by the sentry, grants team two a banana.


You can.

When the sentry breaks the snow pile, it grants all players on team one a banana.

The wire repeater blocks all pulses not from team one.

The sentry is on team one.

I started the game and got an alt to run up and get the sentry to destroy the snow pile.

I got two bananas.


Whoo! Another breakthrough!


This is pretty interesting!

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Cool! What does this mean? Wait, could you then switch the teams of a sentry? If it does something? Like if it destroys that prop, and we connect it to a team switcher, would it switch teams? Who knows?

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Very interesting idea! What if we grant it resources or med packs? Would it get more health? Would it drop the items? Would we get sentry life storage?

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Dibs on making a CA about triggering events on behalf of sentries!


Let’s make a wiki on that.


Could we grant it new weapons? Would it exchange its common zapper for an uncommon one?

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Here_to_help, you’re on it. Like the relay-relay guide, it is a very interesting field that needs to be collaboratively explored.

Possibilities are endless! AIs can finally be made!

Two things:

  1. We don’t know if this will work yet. Hold your horses. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
  2. If you want me to make a wiki, I could.