Stationary Projectiles

The answer has a high chance of being YES.

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I added a team switcher to the wire repeater in the setup. The sentry destroyed the snow pile and disappeared. I ended the game, but when I did, I saw it respawn.

Could you please make another topic about this? It’s cool and all, but this isn’t about stationary projectiles.

@ClicClac very interesting!

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Well, team switchers respawn the player. Now we just need @Blackhole927 to check the files and report on the sentry class and how it works.

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Health granter works!
Health granter: confirmed
Team switcher:
Trigger on behalf of others: confirmed
Can trigger relays: confirmed

Oops, wrong post.

I tried an experiment on when a sentry knocks another sentry out, it relays and teleports everyone on their team to a teleporter and it didn’t work. Can someone try replicating this experiment to confirm?

I also had this happen to me when I was testing out a turret guide. I think this happens if your game has a lot of lag. Hope this helps!

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