Pseudo-Fragility… Is it possible?


  1. Idk
  2. Player scoped
  3. Not applied for them
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no, I’m saying, so we fire a shot, but there are two people in this map. which one gets hit?

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I guess they could use a player-scoped player coordinates and detect the closest player?

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good idea, but sometimes, you aren’t aiming for that player
@NoLife what do u think?

The intended purpose for all of the aiming stuff was for a street-fighter game…


Didn’t Gimkit say we would get knock back by the end of the year? Or is that platforming?

Fragility or knockback is already a thing.

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Ok. Then why did you create this topic if it was already a thing?

@TheGimkitGod , I meant this is Psuedo-Fragility meaning “fake”.


Oh. Then no it shouldn’t be a thing. Now mark a solution.

I am not marking a solution because there might be further contributions to this topic.


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Just give up! There hasn’t been a contribution from anyone else in 2 weeks. The only reason why I am is because you told me to and said you would answer my topic.

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If you are going to be angered about this, please don’t reply. Also, further updates or new research could help this topic “grow”. Thank you for understanding. I don’t want to create tension on the forums.


Fine. You could make pseudo fragility by using triggers and Tele porters.

I said how to know if u are hit in the bottom.

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I already suggested that in the topic.

I read it. I just don’t understand it.

Good idea, but the respawn screen will make the hit take too long

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that was the issue.
I need a way for respawn to be near instant, for this to actually be functional.