Projectile Hit tracker for SENTRY! Player hit tracker currently kinda buggy

Some people have made a concept called “Pseudo-Projectiles”
and I have an idea. I have a way to detect if a sentry is hit by a projectile.
What you do is have a sentry wired to a counter, and set : when sentry knocked out → increment counter. then set sentry respawn duration to 0. so it will instantly respawn. Finally, make the Sentry be deactivated once the counter reaches a certain number. that number should be the amount of projectile needed to ko a sentry with a
set amount of health. Like, say the sentry is supposed to have 100 health.
divide that by 26, round up, and you got 4. so the max number should be 4
Your setup should look something like this

Now this means we have just made pseudo health for a sentry.
We can wire a lifecycle (when gadget fire) and divde that by the amount of projectiles that hit, which is the number in counter.
which is a accuracy counter.
Now, this is going to be complicated, but
I have a way to do this for a player. we just have to respawn them every time they were hit, and splay down a bunch of checkpoints onto the ground. then we do the same setup, but that isn’t ideal for a map so yeah…

thanks for listening to this revolutionary Ted talk with absolutely no spelling skills whatsoever.

(the irony is that todays a spelling bee.)



this is something

you forgot the ’ in today’s

umm, ok thanks?
yeah, this was a concept that was made in my shower.

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anyways, i’ve used something similar to this before, but this is more optimized, cause i needed to give a boss blocks, so i used a 1 hp sentry and made it so it got deactivated after X ko’s of it

but yea this is much better

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Oh this is cool


Well, since this is a bit useless, should I mark solution?
or should I make this a community guide.

ig idrc

Probably make a guide, let’s see if other people appreciate your work, @Epi320.
Your choice though!

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moved this to community made guides.
(if this doesn’t work, I can move it back)

I thought this same concept before for a boss fight which involved the boss teleporting.

wait, u did?
I’m sorry, but I didn’t copy urs, I swear.

I didn’t make a guide on it don’t worry

Nice guide! Super helpful, might try it in GKC. Could you add more pictures? Might make it easier to follow. :smile: