📢 PSA!- Compile art guides


I know ya’ll love your guys’ props and whatnot (I don’t care for them,) but there is a certain threshold of art-to-device guide ratio that needs to be respected. I know, I know, the arts are always the first to go, but it’s not that art is clutter, it’s that it’s cluttering up the guides. Hypothetically, it would be more convenient for both users and creators. I think it’s important to keep this forum oriented to a more explorative future, and I can see art guides clouding that possibility. I want to try and start a movement to maybe compile art guides by creator.

This includes: tracking down all of your art guides.
Copying them into a guide called “[username here] 's art guide pt. 1”
Add all new art in that guide.
Once editing access expires, create a pt. 2!

Thanks for your time.

Edit: My greatest condolences, but your art guides can now be flagged as spam or off-topic.
I just wanna ping all yall art lovers, sorry. It’ll only take a second.

Who else should I add?

-Cameron Sharer


Is this why you temp-posted tag?

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Excuse me? Am I supposed to know what that means?

You posted your tag guide then deleted it.

That was an accident… deleted all my work. But that’s okay!
(No it’s not)

You could click the pencil, then copy in paste that into your drafts

It is just a blank screen for me.

That’s… unusual.

Story of my life…


@Here_to_help has done a great job intuitively embracing this idea!


I believe @wingwave too

Thanks? I mean, I was just doing what I was supposed to do.

Thanks both of you! I got the idea from @Here_to_help, though.

@Cameron_Sharer, can you add a part about where people can now flag art guides that aren’t that useful?

maybe they should add an “Art” category =P

That can go in the debate topic…

so what this psa is saying is if i make more art guides i should just edit my original? or what? im not totally understanding what you are saying

So, copy the links to all your art guides and put em’ in a big ol’ archive post. Then, delete olther posts so that we are more organized.

k sure! I just wanted to make a guide and my friend was like " make a quagsire" and I was like “uhhh ok”

Wait, so I have to get rid of my art? I was making something…