Password-protected (door)

How to make a password-protected door?

After looking at a few posts about this, I learned that I could use a questioner
Problem 1: The questioner would show the password when I typed the wrong answer. (I think there is a way to fix this)
Problem 2: When you open the map from discovery and put a questioner on the map, it becomes “use your own kit”, (if I’m correct) so this will not work.

Is there another way to make a password-protected door?
(If you come up with an idea, please let me know!) :speech_balloon:

Your choice


OK, thank you
I will take a look at these


well even if you did want to use a questioner. you would have 4 options


It’s technically two because right and wrong answer. 4 options only applies for the questions itself. Also questioners can’t be a certain kit anymore unless its a showcase link and not published.


well u would only have 1
im guessing

Oh finally, it’s done, it took me about 2 hours and I was able to create the password-protected door (6-digit)

Thank You @Foxy for this link:


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