How to make a password protected door:
Things you will need:
1x Questioner
1x Barrier or prop you want to block the door
First, make a new kit, called password. Make it 1 question with a typed answer and set the question to: What is the password? Set The answer to the password you want. Then press done.
Go back in game and place a Questioner down go get the view link of the kit you just made and insert the link into the Questioner.
Then wire the Questioner to the barrier or prop. Question answered correctly → Deactivate barrier. One last thing. Since gimkit makes you see what the answer is if you get in wrong, put down a wire repeater with a delay of 0 and wire the Questioner to the wire repeater Question Answered Incorectly —> repeat the wire pulse. Then wire the wire repeater back to the questioneer When the wire recieves a pulse —> close question answering screen. That should be it.