Need help with updates to my map

so what do i do in this?
can you end the game
start a new game let me see your map

ok just gimme a second

now go check it out in the wix

please do not start the game

Wow, it looks big there is so much I’m not sure what you can add. For example, you can make rooms or houses with secret passwords.

wait I will send you a picture…

I made such an encrypted place 18 days ago.

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i have to smp in discovery and play it

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oh so you were the people i was playing with hi what were you guys working on

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Ok, can you close this? This can go onto the padlet.

hello guys i am so did you read the forum title,@lostsea3

oh okay i sometimes don’t have enough brian cells to do things

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ok don’t worry i lost brain cells too.

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so, what could i add to my map @Lostsea3

What is this map about again.I might be able to help.

well i walked around it and i got to play it myself a bit, you basiclly got almost everything but maybe you could add a dock with a boat and some fish ill build it and send a pic to help

look go back to padlet and follow me

k i almost finished building in moy world so ill give the pic here so you can get an idea

I would use the dock technice, add signs as the floor and poles as the legs, it will look more real.

ya but i threw this together in a rush they want me to build it in there world

Oh, mya bad, i was just putting my insights it.