Old forum? (Extra characters)

a regular flag is powerful somehow?

Yes, that is why if multiple regulars flag a new users post, it will silence that user.

what about tl1 flag? how powerful is it?

Not as powerful, it takes 5 TL1(if that is enabled) 5 TL2 flags, 2-5 TL3 flags, and 1 TL4 Flag.

and a tl4 flag auto silence.

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No, a tl4 auto hide post, and 3 or so silence.

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i think it does both.

It does both if its a new user, but otherwise it only hides post.

so basically you have some power as a leader close to a mod/admin power when u was leader that is powerful above tl3 flags.

Yes, read the description of the TL4 badge, its says mod powers enabled.

Please don’t necropost

Uhh, why don’t you stop necroposting? Tbf, nobody would’ve cared about that one if you didn’t afterward.

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Wait, aren’t you necroposting posting that? I’m also out of likes 🙃


wrong topic mate…

lol necroposting too???

but oh well.

no I wasn’t necroposting @Here_to_help
This is where Floppy’s post was:

Then Floppy deleted their post


wait is this on-topic? Bc i thought it was for your creative game, not the forum itself. Srry if I’m wrong.

Oh, my bad. I didn’t see that.