Ok is it possible to make a taser in gkc

my question

yes, possibly movement speed tampering?? idk ask someone smarter than me


first question is “would it be appropriate”
but yeah, it’s easy to make. just set their speed to 0.00 on a trigger than set another trigger with a delay to set the speed back when the delay is done


what do you mean would it be appropriate and is there a device for a delay?

wire repeater or trigger.
I just said…

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there are devices for delays. triggers have a delay option in their settings


Not my dum ahh instantly thinking you want some prop art or barrier art


ok so what i did was i placed a trigger and wired it to a movement manager device so & wired it ao that when you step on the trigger your speed is set to 0.00 now what do I do to make it be that after 5 seconds you get set back to 2.00 speed? @dynachamp

that sounds more like a bear trap ngl.
but yeah, that’s the idea of it.

my questio still stands tho how do I make it so that after 5 seconds you are set back to 2.00 speed [1]

just set their speed to 0.00 on a trigger then set another trigger with a delay to set the speed back when the delay is done [3]]

  1. not to be rude but yeah ↩︎

  2. quote=“dynachamp, post:3, topic:62917” ↩︎

  3. and you cant wire a speed modifier to another trigger so that wont work if that was what you were gonna say because you kind of said that in your response ↩︎

If I wanted a taser as a thing that damages gims, I would simply use the Pickaxe Gadget. Just like a taser, it’s short range and does a lot of damage.

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it is not to damage it is to make you not moveable for 5 seconds like a real taser dose

You could use a tag zone device and a player movement meter then. If a player gets tagged, they stop moving for x amount of time from the player movement meter. Then, they can get back to the game.


yeah but most of the time only one person is playing

So what is your game like? Why would I need a taser?

my game is the laser blaze world from my help topic is my game and a trap to make the game harder is a taser on the floor

So what I would do is use a zone instead of a tag zone. If the player enters the zone when it’s active, they stop moving for x seconds. You could also add some lightning bolts :zap: using a text device to indicate when the taser is active.


any other ideas? on how to make one [1]

  1. also @meepeygamer567 how do you make it be that when you enter the zone you stop moving for x seconds? ↩︎

When they enter the zone, it sets their speed to 0 and triggers a trigger with a delay of x seconds. Then, when the trigger finally triggers, it resets the player’s speed.

can you add pictures explaining that?