Ok is it possible to make a taser in gkc


no (joke)


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ok thanks

Finished product:

The zone’s wired to the speed modifier that’s set to 0 (in its settings); player enters zone → set player to configurated speed.

The zone’s also wired to the trigger; player enters zone → trigger.

Make sure you put x seconds (the amount of time the player’s frozen) in the setting below in the trigger:

Finally, wire the trigger to the second speed modifier, the one set to 1 or whatever speed is default in your game; triggered → set player to configurated speed

Make sure all the devices except the zone is outside the map.

*wires for presentation purposes

its been a while since ive done this

the fact that this reply is better than a majority of the guides these days is funny

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why do they have to be outside the map? cant i just make the not visible in game? @wingwave

What I would do:

Make a laser that does 0 damage and when player hits it trigger a channel

Then get a repeater, make it 1 second and stop after a channel (Wire the start channel the same as the laser)

Then wire it to a speed modifier of 0

Take another wire from the repeater to a wire repeater of 4 seconds delay. Then wire the wire repeater to a trigger and a speed modifier

The speed modifier is 2 speed, and the trigger has no player collision or visible

Make the trigger trigger a channel that stops the repeater

There hope this helps :slight_smile: @adagio_sostenuto

Please Never Use Repeaters (and a guide on looping)

Eh I saw this I know i just am used to it

Like the guide though

@wingwave thanks so much for this solution it works like a charm

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I just wanted to make sure your map wasn’t cluttered.

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