So I wanted to build a fully working Among Us Map in Gimkit. So I did. It has vents, tasks, emegency meeting, voting, sabotages, kill button, cams, and more. But this is my first iteration of my map. I’m currently making another one that will be wayyyyy more accurate and more fun. Stayed tuned for that. So here it is⬇️(Sorry if there are wires everywhere I couldn’t get the full room when playing)
Cafeteria: (Add a button that sends a notifcation)
Weapons: (Add a theater chair with a button)
O2: (Add a button with plant props)
Navigation: (Add Command Tables)
Shields: At bridges and a button)
Communications: (Add Computers)
Storage:( Add Cargo Containers)
Admin: (Add Command Tables)
Electrical. (Add colored metal poles with command tables)
Medbay: (Add a plate with a button plus some beds(
Security: (Add Tvs and some teleportors that teleport you into hidden areas)
Reactor:( Add colored metal poles, command tables, and buttons)
Upper/Lower Engine: (Add arcade machines with keycard slots)
Thats it for this showcase. I hope you liked it. Also stay tuned for my better Skeld Map coming soon! Also @WolfTechnology did a similar tutorial for among us