Minigame Ideas! If you are stumped, Come here! (WIP editing)

Hi guys, I just created a minigames, called Suni-Bot’s Ultimate Minigames, and I wanted to share a few ideas with you guys to maybe help you.

  1. Floor is Lava

Set multiple triggers to different delays, and for each delay, activate a red zone that deals 99999 when entered. Have a button or a trigger at the top when you escape the lava to win.

  1. Escape the Tunnel

Practically the same thing as the Floor is lava, but the lava is coming from the left, and you have to run through. It is also with a trigger at the end.

  1. Spleef

When you teleport, have it grant you a gadget (Usually a lower damage one like common zapper) and have dirt placed down until the bottom. Have a laser that does 999999 damage at the bottom, so if you fall in, you are eliminated.

  1. Box PvP

Have Item spawners with different gadgets placed around an arena, and the last person standing wins.

  1. Parkour

Excactly what it sounds like. Place blocks, props, and other items around a course and a finishing thing at the end!

  1. Laser Maze

Teleport players to a laser maze, and the first person to get across wins!

  1. Escape the Murdrer

Use a trigger with a delay of 0.5 seconds and a relay to teleport a random player to a different spawn and get an auto reload Q portal. Everyone else has to survive 2 minutes (Game ends with trigger) in order to win!

  1. Bread Fight

You get teleported onto a piece of Bread in the sky and fight it out, with gadgets of your choice. Good pick for a chaotic and fun game.

  1. Super Slide

Basically just a big slope ( Barrier on angle) and whoever slides down first wins.

  1. Hide And Seek

Using the same mechanics as Escape The Murdrer, you can’t make it that the props are in front of players and terrain, so you can hide behind them!

If you want help with any of these or just setting up the minigame screen just let me know. There are probably other tutorials like this, but I am willing to help out too! If it is too vague, tell me the one to explain a little bit more for you!


this has been done before

If you’re gonna do this, search before you post.
and one last thing, put how to make the minigame, instead of just listing them.


Yes, Halloween_Coster is right, this has been done before, and it’s added how you can make those games. I understand you only joıned 9 hours ago (Welcome to the forums by way) But If I’m completely correct the Community Made Guides tag should show how to make the idea’s of maps specifically, any random person in a help topic would just state these games out.

Ah yes, thank you for the quote, search before you post.


Thank you for the ideas

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Hey @Suni-BOT,
As others have already pointed out, this has been done before. However, why not expand on your guide and include a tutorial on how to make each minigame?


My bad, sry. Imma work on that soon


@Halloween_Coster Is this a little better?

use Dropdowns

Ok? Imma try. Idk how yet….

Floor is lava

Text here

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Thanks @Halloween_Coster , that was very helpful. I managed to do drop downs, and will put images in later.


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I am steel stumped I came up with a few ideas but I don’t think there good enough one is called escape your house because you are grounded and another is called don’t wake your parents. sorry I just joined the other day