Minigame Maps Wiki (Platformer)

Yesterday I made a map on how to make a minigame style map, so now for the minigame ideas!


Step 1 make a big box like this

Step 2 fill in with dynamic terrain

Step 3 grab a zone a place it like this

Step 4 grab a Respawn and wire it to the zone like this


Step one build your arena

Step 2 grab some props and decorate
Make Sure They Don’t Have Collision

Step 3 place down a zone and a damager

and wire like so


Step 1 make the part were player will spawn and the part were players jump off

Step 2 add some props

Step 3 grab some zones and put them over your props the best u can

Step 4 wire the zone to a respawn like so

Glass Bridge

1: Place a barrier (any color, collision: OFF) about this wide and as high as you want the course to be.

2: Add Barriers (collision: ON) in any path you want throughout the large barrier. Make sure they’re not too high or too low, otherwise the game won’t be as fun

3: Fill in the spaces left over with the same barriers, but collision turned OFF

4 (OPTIONAL): (I turned the barriers without collision red to help with this, i will also refer to them as “red barriers”) put a zone on every red barrier that covers the barrier itself, and a bit of the area on top.

5 (OPTIONAL): Connect a wire from each zone to the corresponding barrier, make sure each wire has these settings:

and Skaboosh! You’re done


Put Your name here and what you added
Halloween_Coster (Added Spleef, Battle and Dropper)
WheatgrassWunderlich (Added Glass Bridge)
Bardy_2913 (Made this a wiki)

This guide is for @Halloween_Coster
Don’t edit without permission.
Make sure all edits follow the TOS and FAQ.

Happy Gimkitting!
~ @Halloween_Coster


This does not look like a wiki yet because I don’t see the edit tool yet.


Oh, lol I forgot that

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should we add credits to this at like the bottom

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You should do that.



bump because we need more minigames

forget the even existed💀

never became a wiki :skull:

It has been a wiki

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Only just recently


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yo, can I edit? I wanted to add glass bridge…

also, i wanted to add sleef in my minigame map, it looks cool, but I have NO idea what it is, can anyone explain, so i could maybe add it to my map? (I will credit)

Spleef is basically a game where it’s a free for all. U try to break the blocks under someone to drop them into the void. Last one alive wins. U don’t need to credit me.

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yes you can edit

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This guide needs more minigames :|