You might be new to the community, and if so, Welcome! And you might want to read this.
Basiclly every new user comes in and posts a code which breaks the Code of Conduct of the fourms.
If you want to post codes, post them here.
You might be new to the community, and if so, Welcome! And you might want to read this.
Basiclly every new user comes in and posts a code which breaks the Code of Conduct of the fourms.
If you want to post codes, post them here.
YES this is so good!
By the way, you should mention why codes aren’t allowed in case some users get confused.
You have @Argo77 as “ignored”, so you can’t view their posts or replies.
May I remove the beginner must read tag from this @Argo77 ? I’m trying to lessen the amount of beginner must read posts so it doesn’t seem as overwhelming and Blackhole already put this in his Welcome guide.
Thanks for bumping this guide, but you don’t need to bump topics that got bumped recently.
Whoa, that’s crazy!
Guys, I suggest you all get back on-topic now.
Lol, yes! Epic site there!
(clanks around in armor as a furry) arghhh i cant see anything!! (bumps into a wall)
i swear this thing sinks way too quickly into the depths of the forums
yeah its just that this thing sinks way too fast down the list and peeps tend to ignore it or completely miss the guide by accident and i wasnt paying attention to the last post on it
ok ok chill
So I’ve applied for the code sharing group, do you know how long it takes to get in? Thanks!
I won’t be that long. The mods on the wix just have to review it. (For me it was around 1-2 hours)