It's not impossible

If you don’t want to read all that, basically I just agreed with him, and said that we need more people to think like Scientists and Engineers. Both in the real world, and in these forums.


There is also actual proof of this for gimkit:

A while ago, I made a programming language called Brainduck in gimkit. Because brainduck is turing complete, therefore gimkit is turing complete. Because computers are turing complete as well, anything that runs on a computer can be made in gimkit.




TL3 can make their posts wiki

Wait… now that wiki bump doesn’t work. Bruh.

New reusable bump, but you’ll have to add your own (and keep them small, to avoid all the lag).

don’t work


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Bump. It’s open again!


It’s back! TYSM Jeffo!

If we all could refrain from turning this into a chat room again, that would be great.


50 likes, so true.

It didn’t really need a bump though, it was near the top. Oh well, you showed appreciation for this topic. I agree with this topic’s message wholeheartedly (if it weren’t for the extremely limited memory) :slight_smile:

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Alright- I wanted to post a more detailed explanation as to why nothing is impossible, seeing as a few people didn’t believe that this post was correct.

So, there is something called a Turing machine, which is just a really, really, really simple computer. It has been proved that almost any math can be run on a Turing machine. Secondly, computers are just more complex turing machines- so a computer technically could be simplified down to a Turing machine- it would just be very large and slow.

Now, if a computer can be simplified into a turing machine, that means that everything a computer does can be done by a turing machine. Continuing this train of thought, if a turing machine were to be made in gimkit, that turing machine would be capable of all the math a normal computer is.

This means that anything that runs on a computer can be made in Gimkit.

Now, how do we know gimkit is turing complete? Well, we make a turing machine in it! I didn’t set out to do this originally, so rather than make a turing machine, I wrote a processer for a language called Brainduck. However, since Brainduck is turing complete (You can write a turing machine in brainduck), that means that you can make a turing machine in gimkit, and therefore the entire capability of a modern day computer is at your fingertips.

So, in conclusion, any code that can run on a modern computer can be run in gimkit, and so therefore, nothing is impossible.


Certain things are impossible since they have been proved impossible. I have no examples of this, but I’m sure some thing have.


There’s also exceptions like player input that people extrapolate this to.


Is GKC Turing Complete without importing a coding language that is Turing Complete?

Because you can use GKC to make a turing complete language, I assume so? I don’t think Blackhole imported Brainduck, I think he just recreated it in GKC.


There’s no importing stuff. Bh implemented brainduck in gimkit without any outside extensions.


Yeah, I know. That’s what I meant by importing it.