It's not impossible

Go to the mechanics thread.

Can I delete my account?

I think you can only delete your account within the 1st week of creation

Maybe if I off-topic post a lot!

Ok, let’s get back on topic here.

how about datastores, you’d need to update the gkc game for a player when they trigger an event. in practice, it could be possible to make a system with a screen with them but its probably not possible in itself

Guys, don’t try to be off-topic…
I got IP banned for an hour because of that, so please stop.


What do you mean IP banned for an hour, and this was mostly on-topic.


I just read the topic, but i can’t post my ip ban here or else i’ll get ip banned again.

Now, time to revise the rules.


What do you mean by post your IP ban? I have no idea what’s happening, at all. And what do you mean “revise the rules”? “Revise the rules” means change the rules, something I’m pretty sure you can’t do.


reread, i meant

What i mean is i got IP banned, meaning my IP address was banned for an hour.


I know that, but it’s strange that they would only ban you for one hour. You got banned for one month last time.


Geez… another topic with hundreds of new replies… not on-topic this time, though.



I think this could be a PSA?

A psa is more of an announcement about an incident that people really need to know for now and will become unimportant later. This is more of something we should always keep in mind.

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Wait I meant fa

Impossible Bump

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Checkbox bump? Loved reading the part about how you could make anything in gimkit.

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Exactly, just because it may seem hard to do, doesn’t mean it will be impossible. Before, people thought we’d never know what was in the sky, or even beyond it. Now look at what we know? We need to encourage the younger generations to try and solve a problem through thinking it through or through trial and error, and we should be here to help. We need more people to think like Scientists and Engineers, we mustn’t discourage people to not be curious, we must help create sparks of creativity. Eventually, we would have a thriving community of people who will help build a better Gimkit, and a better world outside of Gimkit, as this also applies to the outside world. We must encourage people to strive for the answer, and we should be there to help others along the way.