Making Infinite Craft in Gimkit Creative

What is infinite craft???

Infinite Craft is a video game made by a guy named neal, on his site The game involves combining of different items to make new items, similar to games like little alchemy. The main differentiator between Infinite Craft and other games is that Infinite Craft uses AI to make sure that there are truly infinite things that can be crafted, not all of which make sense.

For example, you can combine fire and earth to get volcano, or water and water to get lake.
In this case, MOON is asking for help on how to make the system for combining two items.


Oh, thx blackhole
So scince infite craft uses AI, we can really only make little alchemy…

Although it would be possible to implement an AI in gimkit, I don’t think you would be able to cram a full LLM into the game like Infinite Craft uses.
So yes, little alchemy is the only thing you can really make.

WAit, how, it is not fundementally possible. Now, you might say that we could maybe program a chess engine, but we cant… imean, uhhh, wait. Blackhole, can you set some ai’s we can make in gimkit?

No ai’s have been made, but it’s certainly possible. I have a proof of it if you want.

or we could make AI :exploding_head: I see a lot of people say “anything is possible in GKC,” but that’s not necessarily the case. Because of the memory limit, not every big project like making AI is possible without bypassing the limit somehow.

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A Crafting Table would make sense to add.

Maybe. Yeah that a good idea.

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@discobot fortune

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot display help

I currently know how to do the following things:

@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}

Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message. {name-of-tutorial} can be one of: tutorial, advanced tutorial.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Face what you think you believe and you will be surprised. — William White

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

@discobot fortune
does he respond if not i give up

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes

:crystal_ball: Concentrate and ask again

Oh yeah sorry. I just saw someone else do it and I decided to follow them

Hey, don’t ping discobot on posts. It causes clutter.

I changed the title because “lets talk” didn’t make sense and may make people think its a chat.

maybe one can use numbers and if conditions
the numbers as the id for what item it is

and the if conditions for what name should display

id=0 → earth
id=1 → fire
id=2 → wind
id=3 → water
id 4 (3-1) → lake → water x2 (3+1)
id 5 (3-2) → steam → water+fire (3+2)
id 6 (3-3) → wave → water+wind (3+3)
id 7 (3-4) → plant → water+earth (3+4)
id 8 (2-1) → volcano → fire x2 (1+7)
id 9 (2-2) → smoke → fire + wind (1+8)
id 10 (2-3) → lava → fire+earth (1+9)
id 11 (3-1) → tornado → wind x2 (2+9)
id 12 (3-2) → dust → wind+earth (2+10)
id 13 (4-1) → mountain → earthx2 (0+13)