It's not impossible

Bump. It’s open again!


It’s back! TYSM Jeffo!

If we all could refrain from turning this into a chat room again, that would be great.


50 likes, so true.

It didn’t really need a bump though, it was near the top. Oh well, you showed appreciation for this topic. I agree with this topic’s message wholeheartedly (if it weren’t for the extremely limited memory) :slight_smile:

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Alright- I wanted to post a more detailed explanation as to why nothing is impossible, seeing as a few people didn’t believe that this post was correct.

So, there is something called a Turing machine, which is just a really, really, really simple computer. It has been proved that almost any math can be run on a Turing machine. Secondly, computers are just more complex turing machines- so a computer technically could be simplified down to a Turing machine- it would just be very large and slow.

Now, if a computer can be simplified into a turing machine, that means that everything a computer does can be done by a turing machine. Continuing this train of thought, if a turing machine were to be made in gimkit, that turing machine would be capable of all the math a normal computer is.

This means that anything that runs on a computer can be made in Gimkit.

Now, how do we know gimkit is turing complete? Well, we make a turing machine in it! I didn’t set out to do this originally, so rather than make a turing machine, I wrote a processer for a language called Brainduck. However, since Brainduck is turing complete (You can write a turing machine in brainduck), that means that you can make a turing machine in gimkit, and therefore the entire capability of a modern day computer is at your fingertips.

So, in conclusion, any code that can run on a modern computer can be run in gimkit, and so therefore, nothing is impossible.


Certain things are impossible since they have been proved impossible. I have no examples of this, but I’m sure some thing have.


There’s also exceptions like player input that people extrapolate this to.


Is GKC Turing Complete without importing a coding language that is Turing Complete?

Because you can use GKC to make a turing complete language, I assume so? I don’t think Blackhole imported Brainduck, I think he just recreated it in GKC.


There’s no importing stuff. Bh implemented brainduck in gimkit without any outside extensions.


Yeah, I know. That’s what I meant by importing it.


the beginning of the legendary graphing calculator…

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Nope! The graphing calculator was made far before this, 6 days after the release of creative haha


oh weow
i just thought this was the origin because you replied with “interesting idea!” and not “yeah i used that already in a graphing calculator”

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The actual origin, if I remember correctly, is I was grinding GKC trying to top myself over and over, as fast as possible, and so I just arbitrarily decided to go:

  • Normal Calculator
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Graphing Calculator

That’s an interesting way to learn GKC! I kinda played around with terrain for about a week because I was scared of the devices, then realized they were simple and spent a week playing with everything but block code, and only using block code sparingly because I was scared of it. Then @WhoAmI asked for _____Land, and the rest is history.


i thought making clicker heroes was impossible until i learned that someone made a graphing calculator 6 days after gkc released. and here i am, sitting here saying this with a clicker game i just published


Well… it was mainly because I needed to finish my creations as quick as possible in order to showcase them to josh- when creative first released he hosted 3 or 4 gamenights where he played community maps, so I had to work as fast as possible to keep making crazier things before the next josh gamenight.


Did you ever think about memory efficiency?