It's not impossible

the beginning of the legendary graphing calculator…

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Nope! The graphing calculator was made far before this, 6 days after the release of creative haha


oh weow
i just thought this was the origin because you replied with “interesting idea!” and not “yeah i used that already in a graphing calculator”

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The actual origin, if I remember correctly, is I was grinding GKC trying to top myself over and over, as fast as possible, and so I just arbitrarily decided to go:

  • Normal Calculator
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Graphing Calculator

That’s an interesting way to learn GKC! I kinda played around with terrain for about a week because I was scared of the devices, then realized they were simple and spent a week playing with everything but block code, and only using block code sparingly because I was scared of it. Then @WhoAmI asked for _____Land, and the rest is history.


i thought making clicker heroes was impossible until i learned that someone made a graphing calculator 6 days after gkc released. and here i am, sitting here saying this with a clicker game i just published


Well… it was mainly because I needed to finish my creations as quick as possible in order to showcase them to josh- when creative first released he hosted 3 or 4 gamenights where he played community maps, so I had to work as fast as possible to keep making crazier things before the next josh gamenight.


Did you ever think about memory efficiency?


Not in the slightest. My big concern was always the block code limit.

Since then, I’ve kept on not caring about memory efficiency outside of the block code limit, and my maps always have pretty good memory so I don’t think total memory, at least for the kinds of projects I make, is a very relevant obstacle.


Bumpity Bump Bump

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thank you y’all (tl3 yay)

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I think this is very interesting, as MOST things aren’t impossible.
Keyword: MOST


With inspect and hacking and stuff, nothing’s impossible.


That is not a good thing(in some cases), but it is true.


Yeah- of course, there are things that are mathematically impossible, but those aren’t the kind of things that usually end up in questions about how to make things in gimkit, so in the case of gimkit it’s safe to mostly ignore those and assume everything is possible.


Nope- inspect element and gimkit modding is confined to the same limitations that actual gimkit is, sadly. It’s just much, much easier to manipulate gimkit through inspect.


My mind broke when you said that, as I’m still trying to understand the minds of the geniuses in gimkit.


Too bad the Turing Machine cannot implement/change something without the base or architecture for it, such as a display without a display or changing numbers without the arithmetic logic unit.


gimkit is turing complete
i thought you knew this

you don’t need “inspect and hacking and stuff” [1]

  1. and by the way, you don’t sound like you know anything about that, so maybe don’t try and get into that stuff ↩︎

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This is a well-intentioned topic, however:

  • You, as a normal user, do not have access to the full source code of Gimkit, and even if you somehow did… good luck making your own instance…

  • Devices have limitations! There are ways to polyfill functionality with limited devices, and time and time again the GKC community has done really impressive things, but there comes a point where you have to accept defeat - Gimkit Creative devices have limitations, and there are things that are genuinely impossible to do until/unless the Gimkit team adds new devices that make it possible.

I think you meant to say that nothing is impossible in librekit /s