It's not impossible

This isn’t super relevant since access to the source code only allows for easier control over the game, nothing else.

Although that’s true, and is certainly annoying, the devices we have have the capability to recreate any computer system (excluding things like quantum computers) in gimkit. Therefore, nothing is genuinely impossible from that standpoint.

I will acknowledge that gimkit does impose heavy limitations that make things very annoying to do, but all of these have been constantly circumvented, and these limits have been pushed and pushed, and so they don’t seem to be affecting anything too much. These limits are:

  • Memory limits
  • Display limits
  • Speed limits

Memory limits are something that haven’t even needed to be pushed too far, but we’ve still without even needing to desperately expand them managed to massively crush them.

Display limits have barely even begun to be pushed, simply because nobody is working with them right now. We have basic color displays, but nobody has even begun to explore things like barrier displays that have the potential to display maybe even millions of colors.

Time limits prove to be annoying, but in the end can be dealt with to the point where they aren’t incredibly annoying. This limit also doesn’t really affect whether things are possible or not, it’s more of just an annoyance.

So… although it can be painful at times, I wouldn’t call a large portion of stuff that runs on computers outside of the reasonable range of being somewhat possible. (Of course, everything else is still possible, just so absurdly difficult it will probably not be made for a long time.)

100% pure facts!


writes a paragraph about how things are possible

man, really stickin to this, wow

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I refuse to yield my point haha


and you will prove this point on may 11, when all will be revealed (if there’s a game night) :0


Indeed- my new project is pretty insane. Sadly, I’ve encountered a few very annoying bugs, but it’s still surprising me that this is even possible.


Bump because this is such an important fact


When you say “impossible”, are you describing actually impossible projects, or do you mean possible, but ridiculously impractical, projects (e.g. 3D physics engine)?
Because if a Gimkit Creative project requires thousands of objects and takes years to complete, it might as well be impossible to the average elementary school student.


I can’t speak for BH, but I would assume he would mean both, with a bigger emphasis on impractical things. Even if it would take years, it isn’t truly impossible.[1]

  1. There are probably actual impossible things that you can’t do in GKC, but noone really talks about them due to them being trivial, like importing images. ↩︎


If this is Blackhole’s viewpoint, then why give others false hope by stating that any project is theoretically possible, when it might as well be realistically impossible to complete in a clear timeframe?



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go away inky stop ruing my optimism

But basically this was meant to address the idea of things like a farming system being thought to be impossible, and was only expanded to be everything later. A farming system is pretty reasonable and so that’s why it was made.


Clearly stated

exactly, like gimkit is turing complete, so everything proven to be possible on a computer could be replicated in gimkit (e.g. blackhole made brainduck in gimkit, iirc if it was him)

also i made the first “true” farming system, as in a sell station, farming, and everything before crafting tables :smiley:*


Well since the crafting table came out, farms are now much easier to make! No more blocks needed

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The point still stands though, after all it’s possible to make dialogue without the dialogue device isn’t it?


Yeah, they should add it in the next update!
Still possible with pop up’s tho…

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erm actually i made that first in my game farmers’ quest so HA

but yeah, i still like this post “false hope” or not. voting systems, coding languages, graphing calculators, all of those are possible.


basically anything on a computer can be made in gimkit, but the memory limit >:(

(well, i just need an ego boost because my ego is in the negatives)


This post, I could call nonfiction for it only stats the facts.


Some things that could be figured out soon:

  • An A.I. like ChatGPT
  • Better Pseudo-health (I’m looking at you, sentries)
  • Cloud variables (unlikely w/o an update)
  • 3D Gimkit!