Ideas for guides or game to make [Copied from LegoBuilder's Original Guide]

new one


@Legobuilder Here and Yes I had it ready

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Watch everyone respond aand like it because it says made by you! lol and thanks…yep more first minutes views faster than when i made it (and right now the forum is quiet compared to then)

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Nice ideas @Legobuilder and @Blizzy!

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I think Blizzy is offline.

Please don’t get off topic.
Ask these questions in the wixsite.

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wait thats for the wix oh…i thought it would be on topic because im trying to understand forum rules and regulations better. sorry.

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oh wow that is a looooot…maaaan

That is the same thing as my earlier one i just am basic user so i cant edit so she remade…

I still need more ideas though… we need to make it to 200

Blizzy is a girl…


sorry missed the s was typing quick…was in class had like 5 seconds to respond.

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Ok so I am going to add another dropdown…so anyone who want to add can add there and I will check and if it’s not already there i will add it and take that suggestion off and if it is I will take it off. (so we don’t have clutter)

Give thanks to blizzy for helping make this mega editable 200+ ideas guide!

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@ninjaaaaago What? Please tell me what you need help with.

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Please clarify what you need help with.
It might be better to create a seperate topic for that as this is on a guide.

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That guy is ban speed running, don’t get to worked up over them. But @Legobuilder, 201 ideas…?!

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Obstacle Course? I have no idea if you have that, though…

nope thanks for suggestion!

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