I need ideas on how to make this look better

So I need ideas on how to make this area look better:

And (optional) this area:
(This is where you enter the first area I listed)


         Picture 1 --> picture 2

  1. ↩︎

  2. IMG_2824 ↩︎

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Make the grass to water area more natural, maybe?


Different water colors (light and dark) would make the water look cooler ig

more of it is what i mean


for the first one you might want to make the fences connect a little better to make it look nicer (if possible) and for the second fake the dock a little bigger and add some fish in a bucket and some barrels.


Yes, I agree
Also try making a “shadow”

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ye that too


It looks like you enter and go underwater however the place you enter has grass around it. To fix this i would put gray water around (just hear me out) and transparent slightly blue rocks to make it look like ab underwater cave. Also add vines and algae on the cave walls. And starfish. Maybe tint the whole area darker too with a barrier just to get the underwater part right

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Maybe add a merchant behind the market stand?

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I can’t, because my game has no inventory slots so sentries won’t spawn.
And I’m always on mobile so I can’t copy-paste stuff

:sweat: oh… I see…


that looks awesome @Cellofive

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is it like an island survival game

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No, it’s a clicker game

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ohhh my bad then @Cellofive

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Also, forgot to mention, this part of the map is not underwater, it just has darker water because it is the ocean

Rotation grid snap.

you overdid the laying a bit

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These should help:


Doesn’t it just suck running out of wall terrain?

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when I hit the limit I refresh and I can place again