I need a game idea :D

make a battle royal game!

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that is quite clever actually well done u

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And maybe different difficulties for each season

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These are the kinds of things that I end up doing in my spare time :]
It’s not that complicated (sooner or later every game that you make is going to be somewhat similar to another game) but if you just sit at a desk and look at a computer for long enough you’re going to have to come up with something… and that’s one way to do it!

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8? idk‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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Dungeon crawler like game

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Oh, wait maybe if it’s possible. A rogue-lite?

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Here’s a game idea for you:

Game Title: The Crystal Quest


In this cooperative puzzle game, players must explore an ancient, mysterious temple to locate four hidden, powerful crystals. The temple is filled with a variety of traps, riddles, and secret compartments. To successfully navigate through the temple, players must work together to solve complex puzzles and dodge deadly traps.

Devices and Features to be used:

  1. Zone: You can use this to define areas of the temple, each area with its unique set of challenges.
  2. Button: These can be used to interact with the temple’s mechanisms, opening secret compartments or activating/deactivating traps.
  3. Barrier: Use these to create walls or obstacles that players need to overcome.
  4. Trigger: Use these to activate certain events like traps or opening doors when a specific condition is met.
  5. Item Spawner: Use this to spawn the crystals at certain locations once the players have solved a specific puzzle.
  6. Item Granter: These can be used to give players certain items that will help them in their quest. For instance, a torch to light up dark areas, a map of the temple, or a special amulet that protects against a certain trap.
  7. Teleporter: This can be used to transport players from one section of the temple to another, as part of a puzzle or trap.
  8. Laser Beam: These could be part of the temple’s defense mechanism that the players need to dodge or deactivate.
  9. Checker: These can be used to check certain conditions, like if a puzzle has been solved or if all crystals have been collected, and trigger an event accordingly.
  10. End Game: This will end the game once all the crystals have been found and players have returned to the starting point.

Remember to focus on creating intricate, but solvable, puzzles that require cooperation between players. Also, the temple’s design should be atmospheric and mysterious to keep the players engaged and invested in the game.


I made an invisible maze once. It can be made with exposed boardwalk walls and floors, which for some reason have the exact same texture and cannot be told apart. You can make it even more trippy by adding overlapping camera view devices in random places so that your viewing range changes randomly and you can’t figure out where you are :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah thats cool

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An escape room! An escape room would be a new & unique thing on Gimkit!


i love your enthusiasm!
welcome to the community :slight_smile:

Maybe a Mario Kart map? I’ve been working on one myself.

i second that

I third that.

Oh no… Here we go again.
I fourth that.

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I fifth that.

I sixth that.

yay i started another one!
i should put it on my profile 'the counter
(i seventh it)

I eighth that