How to make Helpian Monopoly [In Progress] (🟪)

I have a way to simplify the owner properties thing a lot. It involves binary, though.

Well, go right ahead and make your own Monopoly.

It would probably have animated dice rolling…


I could include that… I tried to do that a week or two ago, but I just didn’t want to do that. I’ll probably do that now though.

I see it lol: How to make getrithekdian Monopoly

No its the ritheked version.


I feel like I saw that somewhere, were you making a Monopoly?


Nvm, I see what you’re talking about.


@Here_to_help, can I link your guide just for the board in my guide?

Yeah sure! You can even do some modifications and such. Thanks for asking! Sorry for the late reply though.


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Hey great guide! I just saw this and am working on a mortgage system, a trading system, a bank, and a set checker that checks for if sets are owned or not. Would you like me to include this in your guide or just create a separate guide on it?

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You can make your own! I was making mortgage system and upgrading lots, which included making a checker that checks for if sets are owned, but my new project has been consuming my time lately. Feel free to do it your own way!


Hi does anyone know how to get the laptop on top of the desk in creative mode???

Welcome to the forums @H3ll0K1tti! Use layers. Click the layer button and make the laptop prop above the desk. Next time create a separate help post for these types of questions. Hope this helps.


Welcome to the forums!

Welcome to this community! Use layers, which can be done by pressing the button next to the eraser button. Next time, post a topic in the Help section! Trust anyone that says Regular or (in @WolfTechnology’s case) Leader. Everyone can help, but remember that those people have experience. Also, make sure to read the faq!


Welcome to the forum, @H3ll0K1tti !!

Welcome to the form, @H3ll0K1tti!
