How to make Helpian Monopoly [In Progress] (đŸŸȘ)

I couldn’t do it either, due to having horrible work ethic.

Should I try?

Don’t try, just do. If you want to be fancy-smancy, you can have every space pull up a popup displaying what you can do at each space.


I have a worse one:

Don't even visit for multiple weeks

Work for about 36 hours straight


The reason I have not finished is that I am taking a break. I just need to do chests/chance and then just upgrading properties. I have decided to take a break is that I have other maps and after doing weeks upon weeks of work I have gotten pretty exausted from this. On the plus side, my friends enjoy playing this.


@LxmasHasCandy please don’t do that to my post. It wasn’t made a wiki for you to type hidden text.

Yeah sorry, just gotten been bored for awhile.

Next time I will flag for moderator attention and tell them what happened. Don’t get banned for a third time.

Please don’t. I will quit Gimkit Creative Forums because of that. If you want me to, i’ll do it.

I didn’t flag, but I will if you do that again. Respect this forum please.


Guys, don’t start a fight. That’ll just make you both get banned.


Why do fights always happen on my posts? First with cringe, now this. WHY?!?

Don’t get off-topic again.


Um, everyone, what should we do about 9/10 being tied with 11/10? Leave it alone?

I fixed it.

Sorry guys, Monopoly has been abandoned.


Aw man

I have one ctf map, one wip tycoon (maybe converted to a raceway), and a tester map.

I quit my Pizza Tycoon game just because of 1 mechanic: donating.

You can just drop cash.
Donating isn’t hard!
Use a modified among us voting popup system.