How to make Helpian Monopoly [In Progress] (đŸŸȘ)

Making students answer questions to roll is out!


um u should try to make a money spitter


Welcome to this community, @gio! I don’t quite understand what you mean by money splitter, so could you explain?


Welcome to the community @gio !


There’s a version of monopoly where if you get a certain chance card, the backer will use a money spitter and everyone will be able to catch money.

Ok, never heard of that. Pretty difficult to replicate money shooting at you anyway.


You can reduce the properties by computer-generation, or a function that takes in the position and gives out the rent


Confused by what you mean by that. I’d be happy if you make your own Monopoly though! I don’t think I am going to change it after all this work I have done. Also, it is still a work in progress.

You can put in a function that takes the position in and gives the rent back out. Rent = 2*position

How does that work? Rent is different at every space, and becomes different when you upgrade it.

Let’s go, nostalgia week baby.

Yeah, I noticed everybody was using very old pfps from the past so I redownloaded this.

I see that, it was weird to see you without your bird pfp.

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For the Monopoly rents I usually play with, it is a type of floor function that decides the rents for MOST of the spaces. Some spaces have custom rents. Also, price and rent are ALWAYS connected in the game I usually play. The equation is Rent = (Price/10)-3.

That doesn’t even work for first square! Or Kentucky Avenue. Or anything else I can think of. Name one card where the initial rent is that formula. Plus, what about upgrading the lots? You would end up needing the properties anyway.

Ok, mine is also slightly off as well, but we could alter the values to make it fit our function to reduce like maybe 40 properties.

It doesn’t matter. I already did it this way, so I am going to keep it that way.


Still WIP to this day

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Monopoly I bet is very hard to reproduce, which is why @Here_to_help has not finished it yet. I could not do it, so props to them.