How to Make an Among Us Character (Difficulty: ⬜ )

It’s fine. As long as you don’t off topic posts you should be fine for the most part

Uh oh…
Navy, get onto the wixsite for a sec

How many flags does it take to get banned?

Listen, I know you are mad, but just follow the rules.

I’m locked out of my pc, what happened?!

I’m on, but it doesn’t look like anthing happened.

Wait, @LxmasHasCandy was invited by @NavyCatZ?

You can click on the invite link with an existing account


Is that why everybody is invited by themselves?

What is inviting someone?

So then why did @LxmasHasCandy say something happened?

You can invite someone by email or link in your profile. If you click “save invite” you can make a new tab and paste the link to accept the invite by yourself.


So you can invite yourself? Cool.

That happened to somebody but I forgot who

Alright, I think this is my cue to say this is off topic, and to get back on track.


The thing is when you go on your account invites, it doesn’t say you were invited by yourself. (You still get the badge though)

Uh, you guys are just noticing that now? I said that like an hour ago lol

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I can’t get it to work. Doesn’t matter, I already have invited someone.

Am I allowed to make a “topic” where people can just be off-topic, but about stuff on gimkit, but like not fully about gkc and stuff?

NO! Definetly not. Big no-no.