How to Make an Among Us Character (Difficulty: ⬜ )

That’s because I used preformatted text

They used a “BlockQuote” to make it like that, it doesn’t work when it’s on a blockquote.


Wait, you are not lying. How?

YOU CAN SEND A PM ON HERE?! I just found out because it said: You’ve replied to @NavyCatZ 3 times, did you know you could send them a personal message instead? Also it worked for me :slight_smile:

No, Don’t do it, it will make a seperate topic

NO! DON"T PRESS THAT! It just creates a new topic.

Oh, but how do I do it if I wanted to. It didn’t tell me how lol

Alright, but you should avoid it. It could get you banned

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Staff disabled Private Messages due to students would abuse it. So when you make a Private Message, it appears as a public topic instead.

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Bro, why? Also we’re like really really off-topic

test what?

It was a test so i could screenshot the photo.

Also @here_to_help i bet you’re flagging us for off-topic posting.

Oh, ok

Isn’t @Here_to_help supposed to help, not get people flagged?

Off topic posts are not allowed here

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It’s only their username, they can do other stuff in the forums.

Okay, stop here for now.

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No. I did flag one post for moderator attention though. I am sorry.

Please don’t flag, I already got flagged once by Gimkit for putting a screen shot, I don’t want another flag