And that’s it! It’s pretty simple and it works like a charm. I hope this is useful for you!
And credit to @wingwave, @Magenta_Dragon, and @Rusty for previously making this guide.
Ok! Yeah it is a really simple guide. I’ll put that in the title. And you’re right, I don’t care about people knowing my name because it is just a nickname. I keep my real name secret.
Oh! I had no idea there were other guides just like mine. I don’t know if I should give them credit because I didn’t know there were other ones like it.
Would it work if I put 2 buttons in the same spot on each side of the door (4 buttons in total). One button on each side would close the door meaning if the door was open the and button was pressed it would close, activating the button it was on top of, and the button on the other side, making the button you pressed deactivate and the other button that closes the door also deactivate.
@I_Like_Props you could also use triggers like I demonstrate in my guide, but I got some of my inspiration off of your guide here. It’s the same stuff with triggers but without buttons, and triggers instead! You don’t have to put it in the guide or anything I just wanted to let you know!