How to make a timer on a overlay


I made this from another guide by @JoeTheChicken but they others wanted something easier check out his guide it is very good and looks efficient. But anyways this is the easier way to make it.
Link to his guide: How to make a colon-separated timer (Difficulty: šŸŸØ)

Materials needed:

  • Number Property
  • Counter
  • Repeater
  • Game Overlay
  • Lifecycle
Step 1

Get the number Property and name it ā€˜Timerā€™ make it have a default value of 0 and when property value changed transmit on channel ā€˜change valueā€™

The counter you have edit it to have a starting value of 120. Make it update property ā€˜Timerā€™ and make it have a target value of 0. Make it decrement on ā€˜timer startedā€™

Now get a repeater with these settings:

Now get the lifecycle with and event of game start and in the channel section when event occurs ā€œgame startā€ broadcast message on channel ā€˜game startā€™

Step 2

Get the overly keep it as a text and keep it with these settings:

Now go into the blocks section and the channel it will open on is ā€˜change valueā€™ with this block code:

Step 3 (optional)

This to end game when timer ends
Go to the counter settings make when target value reached broadcast message on channel ā€˜end gameā€™
Now get and end game device that ends the game on channel ā€˜end gameā€™

Hope you liked my guide

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You linked my comment ON his guide instead of the actual guideā€¦

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please credit other guides and search before you post as this exists

What do you mean???

He kinda didā€¦ just not all of them.

Click on the link. It leads to my post and not the guide.

Oh I made this by myself and I did on the Overlay and I donā€™t think those guides do it on that as well.

Oh can you edit it for me because I donā€™t know how to do it

we arenā€™t mods editing posts isnā€™t a power we have

Oh do you know how would I do it

edit: oop I bumped the wrong guide :skull: