How To Make a Death Streak/Kill Streak Damage Boost

What You Will Need
2x Lifecycles
1 counter and 1 damage booster for every level.
Example: If I wanted you to get a 1.5x damage boost if you get 1 kill and a 2x damage boost if you get 2 kills, you would need 2 counters and 2 damage boosters.
First Step:
Place down 1 lifecycle and set it to these settings:

Then place down another lifecycle and set it to these settings:

Then place down a counter and set the settings to this:

Place down a damage booster and set the settings to this:

Note: For all damage boosters, it doesn’t have to be the boost that I have, but make sure the first damage booster has the least value and the last damage boost has to be the biggest value.
Now for the Wires!
First, put a wire from the first lifecycle to the first counter. Event occurs → Increment Counter
Then put a wire from the second lifecycle to the first counter. Event occurs → Reset Counter
Then put a wire from the first counter to the first damage booster. Target Value Reached → Activate Damage Boost.
Then put a wire from the second lifecycle to the damage booster. Event Occurs → Deactivate Damage Boost
Note: For this example, I made it so when you get knocked out, you get a boost, and when you knock someone out, the boost resets. If you want to make it so if you knock someone out and then get a boost, just flip the 2 lifecycles.
That was just 1 Boost.
Now we have the option to make more.
If you do, put down another counter above the first, and set the settings to this:

Then put a wire from the first lifecycle to the second counter.
Event occurs → Increment Counter
Then wire the second lifecycle to the second counter.
Event Occurs → Reset Counter
Place down another damage booster, and set the settings to this:

Then wire the second counter to the first damage boost. Target Value Reached → Deactivate Damage Boost.
Then wire the second counter to the second damage boost. Target Value Reached → Activate Damage Boost.
That is all I will cover in this guide, but if you want to add more, you can.
I did 3 for my map, and this is what it looks like. (A bit of a mess, but it works.)

Credit to these guides: How To Create A KillStreak ( Difficulty: Easy 🟩 ) *Update* , The Mistian kill streak system ⎸Difficulty: 🟩 , How to Make a Kill Streak- Difficulty 3/10 or 🟩


Nice guide!

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Nice guide!

You might want to credit these guides though:

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I have never read them before, so I shouldn’t need to.

It’s common courtesy to credit related guides…

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Is this better? I just put them in.


Yep! You did it perfectly!

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Is it good for a 1st guide?
I’m kind of new

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Yeah, it’s great for a first guide!!

To make it :sparkles: better :sparkles: maybe add drop downs and spoilers to organize it better

I don’t know how to add dropdowns


ok I figured it out

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glad to see more peeps are starting to make damage boost guides!


Thanks it’s just like COD. Thanks

Thanks,i actually have a tutorial here.How to make Double Tap Root Beer part 2: The new modifier! Perk A Colas V8!