How to Make a D3ath Screen (and some d3ath messages for it, and DON'T reply with more messages)

A pretty simple tutorial:

How to make a death screen.

Place down a lifecycle.
Set the event it listens for to player knocked out.

Place down a barrier, make it black, make it a bit bigger, and set its alpha, or transparency, to 1, or completely opaque. Then add a camera view that is completely within the barrier. Now add a teleporter and make it invisible, and put it anywhere inside the camera view.

Now wire the lifecycle to the teleporter.

event occurs > teleport player here

You should now have this:

Now place down a popup. Wire the teleporter to it.

player teleported here > open popup

Apply whatever visual settings you want to the popup.
Set “closeable by player” to “no”.

Set the header to “You Died” or something like that, and set the content to a death message.

You can also add call to action buttons that do things such as put you into spectator mode or make you exit the game (see this guide of mine for how to do that)

Death Messages

(reply with more ideas)

*Note: if you want to have a random death message, follow this guide by @GimGuy:
(just put the blocks in the popup instead of a notification)

Here is the list of death messages (this will be updated, reply with more ideas):

  • You lost your living streak!
  • Did you forget to survive again?
  • You need to stop being so smug, thinking you’re just too cool for school…
  • Have you tried actually trying?
  • Things aren’t looking so bright for you.
  • Oh, dearie me.
  • How many times must I remind you? You can’t fly!
  • Did you forget to breathe? (By @StacheIsTaken)
  • Did you pop the cat? (By @StacheIsTaken)
  • Welp, you went out with a “Splat” (By @StacheIsTaken)
  • You blinked too many times. (By @StacheIsTaken)
  • Oops, you fell through the bridge.
  • Sorry, you’re out of the game.
  • Oh, come on!
  • Not again…
  • Next time, don’t take “Into the Belly of the Beast” seriously! (@StacheIsTaken)
  • You forgor to heal :skull: (@T_Sonic54)
  • Be more careful next time (@T_Sonic54)
  • YOU ARE DEAD. No surprise there… (@T_Sonic54)
  • Fortnite this is not, yes? (@T_Sonic54)
  • Tough luck. (@Haiasi)
  • That wasn’t so bad. (@Haiasi)
  • I wouldn’t have done that if I were you. (@Haiasi)
  • Did you even try? (@Haiasi)
  • Skill issue (@ShinyRiolu)
  • Is that even possible? (@ShinyRiolu)
  • Breathe air. (@ShinyRiolu)
  • No comment. (@ShinyRiolu)
  • It couldn’t have been that bad… (@ShinyRiolu)
  • Oof (@ShinyRiolu)
  • How (@ShinyRiolu)
  • smh (@ShinyRiolu)
  • sigh. (@ShinyRiolu)
  • what (@Coolcaden26)
  • Monday left you broken. (@Coolcaden26)
  • deathsound.mp3 (@Coolcaden26)
  • RIP, you actually lost. (@Coolcaden26)
  • This game isn’t that hard. (@Coolcaden26)
  • bruh (@Coolcaden26)
  • “I lagged!” (@Coolcaden26)
  • You tried to touch grass… (@Cellofive)
  • WASTED (@jaythesweat)
  • Next time, don’t make the rock and the hard place too close together because now you’re a pancake. (@Quimblo)
  • Back again? (@WhoAmI)
  • Dead already? (@WhoAmI)
  • First time? (@WhoAmI)
  • Next time actually dodge. (@WhoAmI)
  • We all make mistakes :] (@WhoAmI)
  • I’m bored. You are the what…759th today?
  • Next time… (@WhoAmI)
  • Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a… oh wait, no tomorrow for you!
  • Right, they totally were hacking. (Riptide)
  • You’re not spiderman. You can’t just jump off a building. (Riptide)
  • About time. (Riptide)
  • You know, my cousin beat this first try. (Riptide)
  • You know this game doesn’t have any enemies, right? (Riptide)
  • For the last time, blasting yourself with radiation does not turn you into the hulk. (Riptide)
  • Why were you trying to fight gravity. (TorontoBulls1)
  • FYI, Gadgets don’t shoot rainbows. (TorontoBulls1)
  • You forgot your happy thoughts. (TorontoBulls1)
  • You ate too many tide pods. (TorontoBulls1)
  • You got tired of breathing. (TorontoBulls1)
  • Okay, seriously, stop doing this. (TorontoBulls1)
  • You caught the gingerbread man. (TorontoBulls1)
  • You ate m0m’s famous enchiladas. (TorontoBulls1)
  • You noclipped out of reality (thatOneCringe)
  • Sorry son, guess you were too slow (thatOneCringe)
  • Gotcha! (thatOneCringe)
  • Oh! You died, already? (VWOOM)
  • What would Dream say… (VWOOM)
  • A death screen, huh. (VWOOM)
  • (Insert text here) (VWOOM)
  • Bro got FNAF’ed (VWOOM)
  • You’re supposed to LIVE (VWOOM)
  • You’re right, this is a nice screen… (VWOOM)
  • Get wrecked loser. (VWOOM)
  • Bump. (VWOOM)
  • According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly… (EGGacha)
  • Get got, fool. (EGGacha)
  • Let’s try a little harder next time, okay? (EGGacha)
  • Enemy spotted. And destroyed… (@Coolcaden26)
  • get dunkd onnnnnnnnnnnnnn (@Coolcaden26)
  • You can’t give up now! (@Coolcaden26)
  • So you didn’t get the free Gimbucks… (@Coolcaden26)
  • So you’re back here… (@Coolcaden26)
  • At least you tried. Or didn’t. You know how you people are. (vqnillaxx)
  • Get good buddy (vqnillaxx)
  • RIP you, the game was just too much for you to handle. Maybe stick to something more your level, like Candy Crush. (vqnillaxx)
  • You have died. Along with your hopes and dreams. (vqnillaxx)
  • Well. That was anticlimactic. (vqnillaxx)
  • Wow. I’m sooooooooo surprised. (Dark_Hydra)
  • Awwwww, did the wittle baby get a boo boo? (Dark_Hydra)
  • Okay, pull up the wiki-how. (EGGacha)
  • I should make a montage of all your deaths, that’d be cool! (Clamitycannon, modified)
  • yeowch (Clamitycannon)
  • you dieded (Clamitycannon)
  • you has no lived, play better (Segway of the Dead [video game])
  • Sometimes trying isn’t enough. (@WhoAmI)
  • Welcome to this world (@WhoAmI)
  • My apologies (@WhoAmI)
  • Your time has come. (@WhoAmI)
  • You have not died another time, you simply found another way to not live. (@WhoAmI)
  • Nothing…left…but emptiness… (@WhoAmI)
  • The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues.
    The test is used to measure a student’s aerobic capacity as part of the FitnessGram assessment. Students run back and forth as many times as they can, each lap signaled by a beep sound. The test get progressively faster as it continues until the student reaches their max lap score. (Camitycannon)
  • you alived very poorly. alive better next time. (Clamitycannon)
  • If I had a nickel for every time this screen had shown up, I don’t know how many nickels I would have because I can’t count. What, did you think I was setting up a joke? (cr1sis)
  • now i can taste your ribs :blush: (cr1sis)
  • holy cow, lois, look at the dead body! (Clamitycannon [modified])

Thank you for reading!


Did you forget to breathe?
Did you pop the cat?
Welp, you went out with a “Splat”
Why did you jump off that cliff?
For the last time, you aren’t superman.
Don’t shake hands with a cat!
Next time, don’t take “Into the Belly of the Beast” seriously!
You blinked too many times
Well, goodbye, not a big loss
See ya! Now the planet is a better place


can you not make that a wiki
i’d like people to reply for themselves, thanks
you having that as a wiki means that you are literally farming likes off of other people’s ideas
thank you

  • You forgor to heal :skull:
  • Be more careful next time
  • Fortnite this isnt

Great guide!
I like how you mentioned Barrier screens, they can be very useful for cutscenes and to give an illusion for a “loading” screen like the one mentioned in the guide.

Death messages (Ideas):

  • Tough luck.

  • That wasn’t so bad.

  • ___ was vaporized

  • ___ forgot to breathe

  • I wouldn’t have done that if I were you.

  • ___ said their last words

  • ___ said goodbye to their pet

  • Did you even try?

  • ___ was eaten alive

  • ___ thought he could swim / thought he was a fish/ [insert marine animal]

  • ___ thought he could survive / without food/ water

  • ___ tried to escape the consequences / tried to time travel

  • ___ had a nightmare

  • ___ ate the wrong mushroom.

  • ___ tried to defy the laws of gravity / physics.

i came up with almost all of these myself lol
some of these sound familiar to ‘draw that’ (gamemode)


i forgot to mention this, but please make them all as if a narrator is talking to you

  • Skill Issue
  • Is That Even Possible?
  • Breath Air
  • No Comment
  • It Couldn’t Have Been That Bad
  • You Died In Your Dream
  • Oof
  • ___ Fell Out of Their Attic
  • You Died From Laughing Too Much
  • How
  • Did You Even Try To Survive?
  • Fly High Birdie
  • SMH
  • Sigh
    Edit: I just saw Haiasai’s “Did you even try?”

You Forgot to breathe, smh

1 Like

you died to air
monday left you broken
rip, you actually lost
this game isn’t hard
“i lagged”


How about
__ died because they touched grass :skull:


mine would be



Uhm i think you died how?
next time you shouldn’t make the rock and the hard place too close cause now your a pancake.

1 Like


Back Again?

Dead Already?

First time?

Next time actually dodge

We all make mistakes

No comment

I’m bored. You are the what…759th today?

Next Time!

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a…oh wait…no tomorrow for you!



Right, they totally were hacking.

You’re not spiderman. You can’t just jump off a building.

About time.

You know, my cousin beat this first try.

You know this game doesn’t have any enemies, right?

For the last time, blasting yourself with radiation does not turn you into the hulk.


Why were you trying to fight gravity.

FYI, Gadgets don’t shoot rainbows.

You forgot your happy thoughts.

You ate too many tide pods.

You got tired of breathing.

Ok seriously, stop doing this.

You caught the gingerbread man.

You ate moms famous enchiladas.


Just a suggestion, make sure that you have a barrier/wall to prevent players from escaping!

A few death messages:

  • You noclipped out of reality
  • Sorry son, guess you were too slow
  • Gotcha!
  • (player name) was blown into smithereens.
  • (player name) was eaten by a bear trap
  • (player name) was fried to a crisp whilst fighting (monster name)

Oh! You died, already?
What would Dream say…
A death screen, huh.
(Insert text here)
Bro got FNAF’ed
You’re supposed to LIVE
You’re right, this is a nice screen…
Get wrecked loser.


umm it hasn’t been five days so you don’t need to bump… you might want to edit that out

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The last one is a death message, the forum made it bold.